Saturday, October 22, 2005

Some choose to live, others just exist

"Life is a full of wonderful surprises at every corner. Don't swing around them so fast that you miss them completely...but at the same time, do not walk around with a magnifying glass looking for them.

Enjoy the journey this life has to offer you-take in the sights and you will find much beauty all around (whether or not the surprises pop out at the corners you expect them to appear). It is the journey that matters.

Then when what you look for appears, you will recognise it with ease and would appreciate it much more-having garnered so much other rich experiences along the way. This applies to everything in life. The best things in life are free. The weather, nature, people, the lessons learnt, friends...Our life is rich simply by the mere fact that these things are available to us-freely."

Life is a journey. It takes us down highways and byways; straight and crooked paths; narrow and broad roads.

Along each lane, we come across the mundane and unusual; friends and foe; sane and insane.

We meet all sorts of people-those who give and those who take; some mature as the years go by while some never grow up; some of us choose to live while some of us choose only yo exist.

Whoever we are, the trials we face may bring wrinkles to our faces but we can stop it from wrinkling our souls.

At each juncture of these courses, we have a choice on whether we want to be bitter or better from the experience.

Optimism will enable us to continue on the journey and thus the chance on enjoy the pleasant surprises that are to come.

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