Thursday, October 13, 2005

My Profile Result done thru Indian Fortune Teller

(Malay Version)
- Ciri-ciri lebih suka sayang dan cinta, suka tolong orang, bertolak-ansur, boleh menyelesaikan masalah dengan sendiri, cepat berfikir, tari, menyanyi, lukisan, sajak tulis cerita memang pandai. memang suka atas seni, dreaming person;
- Ada kepercayaan tuhan, ada ciri-ciri kanak-kanak, ambil tindakan selepas fikir berkali-kali. berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dan sabar;
- Never give up akan mencapai kejayaan;
- Never interupt in others business, selalu ada berjalanan jauh, selalu bermuka gembira, hidup dengan selesa dengan name baik and good business.

All of the above is my indian colleague-Mr Richard help me to get the Indian Fortune Teller to analyst thru my name and DOB. For my point of view, I think that have 90% is correct. One thing I surprise was this Indian FOrtune Teller list out some features that not many of ppl know that but he can get it correctly. FOr normal analyst is FOC, if u wan in detail o solution given then only hav to pay for RM50++

Believe or not is all up to u, for me I read quite a lot of all this information. One characteristic that all the ppl agree with me that is correct was "ada ciri-ciri kanak-kanak"!Hmmm...quite true la cos I like to eat lollipop!All the ppl around agree with about u who reading my blog?!Do u agree that I behave like childish???

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