Saturday, September 29, 2007

200 pound beauty

I watch the KOrean Movie - 200 pound beauty. Very touching and tearing......
A fat girl with great voice, she is so in love with the music director.
She always believe one day the guy will love her
unfortunately, things happen into another way!
She dare to do plastic surgery to sparkling her life.
After one year, she walk out the street...everyone is starring on her beauty
She feel excited, energy and confidence...BUT
She feel hard to look into the eye of the man she love so much!
Sometime when u r so in love with someone,
But don know the other party have the same feeling or not....
u may fear, panic until dare not to see him!
Until the end, Hanna Kang is the name for the 200 pound beauty.
She tell the truth to her fans about herself,
she is Hanna Kang NOT Jenny!
She cry...b'cos she is 200 pound eventhough hav the great voice,
she is singing behind the wall for someone who hav great outlook!
She hav no confidence to love the man she love so much,
she ignore her father to keep the secret,
She criticize her fren in this world no true love for fat ppl
She feel helpless, now she is beauty BUT ........
the man she love cant accept the fake things on her body
she cant face the new her as Jenny...she wan to become Hanna Kang
Hanna Kang...this is real her inside, just diff from outside!
Her fans cry for her...everyone is touching by her...include me and you too.....
She is sincere, she just wan to become beauty so.......
the only man she love will fall in love with her
She sing this song called 《星》by YOUME, nice song....really touching :"

바람결이 창을 흔들고 내키만한 작은 나의 방위로 아름답게 별빛들을 가득 채워주네요 셀수없이 많은 별들은 지쳐있는 나를 어루만지며 내맘속에 가득담은 눈물 닦아주네요 많이 아파하지마.. 날 꼭 안은채 다독여주며 잘자라 위로해주네요 걷지못할만큼 힘이겨워 아파와도 눈물이 앞을 가려와도 갖지못할 내 사랑앞에도 나 웃을래요 잠시라도 곁에 행복했던 기억들을 가슴에 간직할께요 두눈에 수놓아진 저별들처럼 영원히 꿈을 꾸듯 다가오네요 유난히도 밝은 나의 별 하나 눈부시게 반짝이며 어깨위로 내려와 자꾸 슬퍼하지마.. 손 꼭 잡은채 날 만져주며 따스히 날 감싸주네요 걷지 못할만큼 힘이겨워 아파와도 눈물이 앞을 가려와도 갖지못할 내 사랑앞에도 나 웃을래요 잠시라도 곁에 행복했던 기억들을 가슴속에 간직할께요 두눈에 수놓아진 저별들처럼.. 나 오늘만은 안 울어요 눈물이 가득 차와도 저기 저별들처럼 나 웃을래요 Oh oh~행복했던 기억 모두 가슴에 간직할께요 두눈에 수놓아진 저별들처럼 영원히

风 儿亲亲敲着窗户 穿过像我一样小的房间 闪烁的星星如此美丽 整个房间徜徉在爱河之中 请别受伤 轻轻爱抚我的伤痛 拥我入怀 就算不能走路 眼泪挡住我的双眼 就算没有爱情 我还会一直微笑 就像在我眼中的闪烁星星一样 我会永远爱你 就像梦境一样 闪亮的星星照亮我的眼睛 闪烁的星星 掉落在我的肩上 不要在难过 抓紧我的双手 温暖的保着我 就算不能走路 眼泪挡着我的双眼 就算没有爱情 我还会一直微笑 就算是暂时的 我要把记忆铭记在心 就像那些在我眼中闪烁的星星一样

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