Friday, July 14, 2006

见到你,感觉真好 :)

你的脸好红哦 :P 最让我感到惊讶的,当你一见到我,大声的叫着我的名字。

单纯的幸福了 :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

S.H.E...Forever+top album hav Jay Chou n JJ Lim music....SHE the best in Taiwan Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Another SHE make me feel disappointed!

This SHE I really respect her and glad to hav her to become my lady boss. Who know clever people will make mistake wen they think they r too clever (聪明人被聪明误).

Suppose today I hav to prepare to go Bangkok. Yesterday receive a bad arrangement that make me feel surprise and angry! How come arrange me to stay one room with a male colleague!!!!!!!
Nonsense, last minutes tell me tis kin of arrangement. I thought she is kidding, who know is real. I DON WAN, DON WAN.......


After yesterday chat wit my fren, I think I wan to giv her surprise already! Until today I still not pack my lugage at all. Cos my head on fire...... today 4.30pm if I still not pack my lugage! Then tis is my surprise for her. I DON WANT TO GO ANYMORE, HOPE SHE ENJOY!

Monday, July 03, 2006

U really make me angry errr.....

Don know start from wen I try to put down my emotion. Behave like wood, thereafter I get new nick name called "wood". Cos i wan to put my emotion aside to observe, to think and to plan properly. Wat exactly I wan!

Try to put down my arrogant, my negative though and my careless. To concentrate on wat I hav to put a lot of effort into it. B4 today, I really can control my bad temper and compromise.

Today this lady really make me angry! I know I not helpful enough, thus I giv her a sign don ask me. Cos I always cant help her at the beginning. End up she still ask a lot of Question that not me can answer her. End up she cant get the answer she wan and just "shoot" on me......Wat lah...She really make me feel angry. Then I also didnt said anything, mayb my practice to become wood make it work. At least I still can control myself not to get angry *_*

My job really hav a lot of work to cope with, I still new in this industries. Not everything can be upload to my little brain. This old lady thought I am computer, everything can be traced. She is the world damn shit hav a lot question to ask. she is worse than a little kid to ask "thousand million of Why? Why? Why?Her whole face expression already have the word "W.H.Y"

She even hav more working experience than me...I really don like her! She even not genuine too, I can feel inside of her hav kept a knife to kill ppl any time.

End up I just told myself, "u r just a rubbish for the part of my lifetime, my world cant kept rubbish, therefore I can continue my life happily.......^O^ (*feel better.......)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Today I watch SUperman Return after my yoga class. Watch with my fren long time no c one....hmmm....the movie i rated it at 3 out of 5 stars!  Posted by Picasa