Monday, June 20, 2005

Escape is not a good solution

I feel that I always escape to face on something that maybe make me feel sad.
So I decide to go back, but my parents know me so well.
They know I am stuck in the middle, so they let me have sometime to stay here and face my problem!

Anything just send them a letter to let them know what I am doing now and my plan.
Something make me feel insecurity, so I don know how to solve it!

I don like to mention this word 'confuse' , i train myself don easily give some excuses to escape some matters. I have to learn something during this vacation season for lookinf forward to my future!I don know at the front what / who will appear there and waiting for my coming!?One thing I can do is believe in myself and step forward to my future. After a heavy rain rainbow will come out everything will be fine to me,I wish to......

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