The Eragon is interesting dragon and the rider story to fight for peace. This movie like LOTR...
LOTR is the power on the ring! Eragon is the power on the Dragon and the Rider's Magician.
The new born dragon dare cute : )
The day I watch this movie, I get a nice seat. Not lucky that 2 girl sit beside me very noisy. Talk b4 movie start until the end. If she talking about the eragon that was fine for me. But she is like mumbling, and criticize the movie. Why don she just save her money don watch this movie : (
I learn from the movie, no matter how talent you are! Or you have the world great weapon! If you have no confidence, no brave, no skills & knowledge and not accept people advice you will still a loser forever UNLESS you start the RIGHT CHANGE!
Coming soon movie I wan to watch like "Museum at the Night", "Sinking of Japan" (n.n)P
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