today after take breakfast n nothin to do,then go to carefour wit my fren.
we spend whole day, guest wat we do?n can stay whole day at there.
1st we go to listen those demo cd,afterwards go to survey the digital cam px n new model.
then we go online by using the demo pc,n check the AIRASIA flight ticket.
a japan mini sofa is so comfortable cost RM26/-,then we try it out n sit at comfortable n my fren say let sit there n watch whether have 'leng chai' pass-by o not?then i ask my fren:"have any gal wil do like us to sit at there n look ppl,so funny la!?"Then both of us quickly 'siam' to other place.
wen we pass-by the cold storage,the promoter let us try the nugget n sausage.The aunt expect we will buy it n let us try a lot.we try to escape but stuck at the middle so surprise coz meet my net fren-Mr Tiang!!!
dont know y my ear half hear n the other side is hard to talk!!!
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