Wat a tearing day......Today another colleague send up the resignation letter.Oh my god!I feel so down la!
I really cant accept like suddenly a gang of ppl always hang out together.Have fun anytime n anywhere.Then suddenly the members become lesser and lesser,and the environment become very quiet!I really hate the environment turn into this way.Cant accept it la,I really wanna cry!
About 1 year I lost the noisy,funny and crazy ppl hanging out here n there!Just get back the fun wen I enter this new job,then the ppl one by one left the Company.
As a conclusion,the job don hav the problem.The problem is the manager who guide them.Actually we r 2 group combine together,but monitor together during training.Me and another girl are under Ladies Boss.Majority of them under the boss!
They really cant stand with the boss,so one by one decide to left the Company.Suddenly I feel that the environment is look so "grey"......I feel that I stand at the middle of the road!Don know where to go...where is my destiny...where is my target...where is road...where is my dream!
I cant become emotionless,I really always interrupt by emotion.So disappointed with this boss,b'cos he is too emotionless n cold blood!Actually he is very kind but he behave like wearing a emotionless mask until cant take it off.hmmm......